The information on this site and all parts of the California
Homeowner/Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings website www.hadd.com are for information purposes only. Though we have researched all the sources to ensure accuracy and completeness of the information
contained in this website, we assume no responsibility for errors, omissions or any other inconsistency herein.This website
does not intend to give any legal advice. You should always consult with an attorney regarding contracts and other legal matters
relating to home- remodeling/improvement and construction.
The opinions expressed in this site are solely those of
the authors. Links to other sites are for information purposes only and should not be considered endorsement
of the site. Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings, Inc. makes no representations nor does it endorse the accuracy,
completeness, timeliness or reliability of any material or data displayed, uploaded or distributed on the site or available
through links in this site.
Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings Inc.- also
known as HADD - is a national nonprofit organization
incorporated in and governed by the laws of the state of Kansas. All HADD Directors, State Chapter Presidents and Representatives are unpaid volunteers donating their time, money, and resources
for the success of the organization. The HADD website is for educational and informational purposes only. This site is provided
and maintained by HADD Members, under the guidance of the Board of Directors. By using this site, you acknowledge that you
have read and agree to all the terms, conditions, and policies contained herein. You further acknowledge that you accept these
conditions and will be bound by the terms thereof.
Although HADD, the Board of Directors, and/or State Representatives have researched all the sources to ensure accuracy
and completeness of the information contained in this website, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions
or any other inconsistency herein. This website does not intend nor infer to give any legal advice. All information provided
on the site or through correspondence is suggestions and advice based on personal experiences and information obtained by
HADD Representatives. For questions and/or concerns of a legal nature consultation with a licensed attorney specializing in
the areas of concern should be sought. HADD does not endorse nor dissuade the use of any builder, contractor, tradesman, or
professional related to the construction industry.
The Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings Buyers Guide and Complaint Guide are from our registered copy written manuals
and are not to be mechanically reproduced and or distributed in any form without the written consent of the HADD, Inc. Board
of Directors. The Homeowner Bill of Rights, "Your Home Matters" Newsletter, The Abuse Of Binding Arbitration in New Home Contracts,
New Home Warranties Deception or Protection, and any future publications authored by Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings,
Inc. are the property of HADD, Inc. Any use, redistribution, or reproduction of any materials herein, in part or in whole,
without express written consent from HADD Inc. is strictly prohibited. Any content or materials used with permission, in part
or in whole, shall give proper credit to the information and Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings, Inc.
Links to websites outside of HADD are provided as a courtesy only. Please understand that this does not mean that the
HADD Board of Directors, and/or State Representatives has looked at, viewed, or researched all these sites, included content,
or endorses the site, products, and/or services related to the site. In the event the sites referenced herein contain material
offensive to you in any manner we apologize and disclaim any responsibility of such material. Links to legal, professional,
and governmental agencies are for reference only and does not imply or infer that this site is providing any type of legal
or professional advice, information or consultation on any matters contained herein.
Use and participation in the below group forums is governed by the terms and conditions set forth by Yahoo!, Inc. The SBC Yahoo! Groups logo is the sole property of SBC Yahoo!, Inc.
HADD Sick Homes Group,
HADD Arbitration Group,
HADD Predatory Lending Group,
HADD News and/or
Any future forum created by and/or for HADD through the SBC Yahoo! Inc site, and
The National Alliance Against Construction Defects - also known as NAACD - Web Ring
Use and participation in the National Alliance Against Construction Defects - also known as NAACD - Message Board and Forum hosted by Delphi Forums is governed by the terms and conditions set forth by NAACD and Delphi.
Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings, Inc.utilizes
the following policies for all submitted materials.
No personal information such
as your name, address, phone numbers, and email addresses will be posted on the Internet.
The facts of your submission will not be posted on the site without your permission.
Complaint details posted on HADD's site is promptly removed
upon the request of the submitting party.
HADD does not share your personal information with anyone outside of our organization without your express consent.
HADD uses the complaint information to
track problems by party, state, the types of problems, and to compare to other states.
HADD compiles the information for statistical data to use for legislative, political, and media presentations.
NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS: "Your Home Matters"© Newsletter is owned by Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings,
Inc. The newsletter, published in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format, is available for download via the HADD website, or upon
request via email or standard postal delivery. In addition, HADD forwards copies representatives of Media, Government, Consumer
Groups, and other professional entities.
In publishing the Newsletter Review Board utilizes the following policies:
All items must be submitted prior
to the twentieth of the month to be considered for publication in the upcoming newsletter.
There are no guarantees that submissions will be included; published content is determined by relevance,
timeliness, and subject.
All articles,
comments, photographs, and/or opinions are welcome and may be published in the newsletter or posted on the website.
Copy may be submitted by email, fax, hand
delivery, and/or via regular postal mail delivery.
Email and floppy disk submissions are to be free of harmful, malicious, and/or damaging computer viruses.
Text will be accepted in Microsoft®
Office formats, WordPerfect 7, or WordPad.
Artwork, pictures or photographs shall be in ".jpg/.jpeg" or ".gif" formats. All other formats need to be verified
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Hard copy
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Photographs shall include the names of those in picture (if applicable), location, date, and photographer
Photographs and original
copy is protected under federal copyright laws, with all rights to the photographer and/or author respectively, and shall
be noted as such unless otherwise stated. Newsletter submissions are considered solely the opinion of the author and are
not to be considered the opinion of the Newsletter Review Board, HADD Inc., the HADD Board of Directors, or State Representatives
unless otherwise noted. Contents of articles and/or opinions will not be verified by the Review Board and/or HADD and are
assumed to be the original copy of the submitting party - unless noted otherwise - factual, and true at the time of publication.
The Newsletter Review Board and/or HADD is not responsible for any or all errors, omissions, and/or inaccuracies contained
herein or any losses, direct or otherwise, as a result of submitted articles. It is the sole responsibility of the individual
to verify all facts and information.
The Newsletter Review Board shall consider all materials and will not censor the content of any submitted material.
However, submissions that - in the opinion of the Review Board and/or HADD - include, but is not limited to, being slanderous,
malicious, derogatory and/or the like, intended to harm or cause harm, contain profanities, known to be confirmed blatant
lies, and/or violate child protection laws will not be allowed. Submissions that are in violation of the laws governing the
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The information from and/or through this site, including the presence of links to outside websites, is provided
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HADD Board of Directors, Chapter Presidents, and/or Representatives are not liable for any indirect, special, incidental,
or consequential damages - including damages for loss of business, loss of profits, litigation, or the like - whether based
on breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort (including negligence), product liability or otherwise, even if advised of
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All text, graphics, layout, designs, and photographs contained on the HADD website are the sole property of Homeowners
Against Deficient Dwellings, Inc., except where otherwise noted, including but not limited to the website itself. Any use,
redistribution, or reproduction of any materials herein, in part or in whole, without express written consent from the HADD
Board of Directors, is strictly prohibited.
News articles posted and/or links provided to articles on the HADD website are property of the originating site and
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included. These articles are provided for informational purposes only and is not the intention of HADD to infer or imply any
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