Disclaimer: Although
the HADD Board of Directors has researched information to ensure accuracy and completeness of the limited scope of information
contained in this website, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions or any other inconsistency herein.
The information applies to new homes completed prior to Jan. 1st. 2003 and to second owners of homes constructed
under ten years. -This website does not intend to give any legal specific advice to your situation, you should always consult
with an attorney regarding, defective construction, contracts, warranties and other legal matters.
Although HADD relates
to the pain, suffering and frustration that often accompanies defective homes, ill families, financial devastation and uncooperative
homebuilders/contractors, HADD does not endorse, nor accepts any liability and/or responsibility for the
content of any external sites. External links and or acknowledgements are not endorsements by HADD.